A wall hanging of the world - completed before Christmas
An embroidered stool made as a surprise gift for Linda Robson in thanksgiving for her help doing shopping in recent weeks. It was difficult getting the wood and foam.
A garden scene on a cushion made in May for my niece
Jennifer Tyler - embroidery and more

I started young. I have a photo of myself aged four sitting on the doorstep at our home in Molo, Kenya sewing. My father was good with his hands. His mother went to the Slade School of Art in the early 1880’s.
When I came to Salisbury in 1971 I joined a group making kneelers for the Cathedral. We met fortnightly and I could produce one every time. I learned some upholstery skills which have been very useful. I went on to make vestements for the clergy and bigger cushions, as well as keeping the choir robes in good order.
When I retired I continued to sew for the Cathedral; latterly making costumes for their Educational Department for visiting school groups to use for dressing up.
I have made some big Tapestry projects, four altar rail kneelers designed by two of my brothers, four wall hangings and lots of stools, bell pulls and cushions. I am not happy unless I have something to occupy my hands.